
Ready for your family to feel connected and your home to feel fun?

Learn how to express yourself so your partner and kids stop jumping to the defensive by default. Learn how to listen so that your loved ones will open up and talk. Learn how to have productive conversations instead of tense power struggles.

In family sessions you'll learn new ways to adjust your family dynamics around awareness of values and mutual respect.

Families can waste years struggling with mismatched, ineffective communication. That is simply not necessary. Learn how to create understanding and peace in your home.




  • feeling less exhausted at the end of the day

  • releasing what's not serving you to create energy for joy & play

  • learning new life coaching skills to give your home a positivity makeover

  • deeper connection with your kids for more peace, fun, and respect

  • increased leadership & communication skills to help your family feel more cohesive & supportive

  • having a guide by your side as you try out your new skills

  • aligning your life around your authentic self so you can avoid passing your unconscious (and unintentional) emotional baggage to your children

Coaching is not a one & done solution. It's a journey that requires consistency, support, and space. For maximum benefit and sustainable change, a minimum of 12 sessions is recommended.


12 - 60 minute coaching sessions

I like to meet with each family member individually - to start.

We will meet bi-weekly as a group, with the remaining sessions.


$3600 for the 3-6 month process                                     Payment plans available

Are you ready for your life to feel more vibrant and fun as you learn new ways to raise happy, competent, responsible, affectionate, communicative kids? Click that purple button below and let's get the ball rolling.

I also offer youth coaching...